Friday, October 3, 2008

Martha and Mary.

Ever heard of the story about two sisters named Martha & Mary? In the bible, Jesus was coming over to these two sisters house(which would be exciting, just the thought of God's son coming to your house to spend time with you)! Martha was all that day trying to prepare the house for Jesus,while Mary spent time with Jesus and sat at his feet, enjoying every moment. Martha was pretty much getting in a tiff and asked Jesus,"Why can't you make her help me around the house?" Jesus told Mary that Do not mess up this moment for becuase she is worshiping the Lord ,which he is pleased. You can find this scripture in Luke10:41-42.

The reason I choose this scripture is because it really shows god what really matters in God's eyes.Not how bad your house looks ,or what your background is, what your parents think about you, not what your ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend thinks about you.The main thing is that you please God, and that he loves you .I think The problem with Christians today is that We don't realize how much God loves us, because we think too much of how the world thinks of us. It's like in jeremiah 31:3.It says:

"I have loved you with an everlasting love."

Anna Elizabeth

1 comment:

Kiersten Blaire said...

good job, anna! you picked a good story!!